Sunday, March 29, 2009

An Odd Reminder

As I mentioned in my last post, I've been really sick (flu) and it has been difficult to get back into the swing. I went for my first run on Tuesday after four days off. It was terrible, I struggled to put one foot in front of the other. Then I spent an hour on a treadmill--a fate worse than death--on Thursday. I was supposed to take a rest day on Friday before a long Team run on Saturday.
But, Friday morning, on my way to work, I received a call that my father was in heart surgery. Needless to say, I was anxious and the day was a harrowing series of calls, news, different news, potential flight plans, details, and worry. Fortunately, the surgery went well and he is safe and sound. There is no major damage to his heart and the doctors are giving him a very good prognosis with a few changes in lifestyle.
By Friday afternoon, I was spent: mentally, emotionally, and physically. But I needed to run, a point that Carolyn impressed on me. I left work a little early. Carolyn joined me and we ran a fun loop with Wyatt leading the way on his bike; Violet and Scarlet rode in the stroller and fought most of the time...ahh the joys of parenthood. At the end of the run, I felt a little better. My head was a little more clear and I was reminded of how much stress relief a good run can bring. Then I went home and slept. I slept long and well, ready to conquer the next hurdle in my training. But that's the next post.

BTW: In case you haven't noticed, I'm nearly half way to my fund raising goal. Is there anyone you know who might be interested in supporting me? Just click on the "DONATE" button on the right. Thanks in advance.

One of Three

Sorry, I've been a bit lax about posting lately. I was terribly ill last week and had to put life on hold for few days. Thankfully, I'm well again and back to hard core training. So, in order to catch up, I'm going to post a couple of times today. Why not?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pictures Coming Soon

The race was wonderful! I had a great day and felt really good. My finish time was 1:27:24. I still can't believe that I was able to run almost an hour and a half. Three months ago, I could barley run to my mail box without sucking wind.
We arrived at the starting line about an hour early. Shortly after we got there it started raining. I should have kept my jacket with me, but...of course, I left it on the bus. Needless to say, by the time we actually started I was freezing. I have never been to the start of a running race before. It is a unique experience. There are so many people from so many backgrounds with so many goals, but for a few minutes, they are all singularly focused. It's like nothing I've ever experienced.
The first mile was down hill. I focused hard on staying slow. I'm glad I did. After the first mile we began the climb to the bridge. It was very steep. Luckily I was not alone. Many of us were walking up the hill. Once I hit the bridge, I took off. The rain stopped and I kicked up the pace.
After the bridge we went downhill through the a grove of eucalyptus, which smelled wonderful, and followed the shoreline into Crissy field. By this time, I was feeling great and sped up even more. It took until mile 5 before I felt sluggish.
I wanted to walk so badly, but I knew that my body was okay. So I kept forcing myself forward in short distances until I saw the 6 mile mark. I knew I could run another mile and a half without a problem, so I pushed a little harder.
It's difficult to explain my emotions when I saw the finish line just ahead. I was so happy that the run was over, so happy that I had done it, amazed at how far I've come, a little frightened at how far I have to go. So many things hit me at once. I looked around and realized that there was no one I know there to share the experience of that moment. Usually I would feel hurt by this, but this was a totally different experience. This was MY victory. Even if no one was there, it happened, I finished well. That made me very proud.
I found the bus and grabbed my jacket, then headed off to pick up my tee-shirt. I walked down to the wharf and looked out at the Golden Gate, amazed at how far I had come. Then I headed to the Buena Vista for a nice hot Irish Coffee or two...maybe three. That's where I was welcomed into the Tribe...but that's another post.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Just About Ready...I Think

Well, T-minus 12 hours for my first race. I'm ready..I think.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

So Focused That I Forgot to Post

Wow, it's been a busy few days, weeks, whatever. I have been training like a mad-man. Even the foaming at the mouth, j/k. But, seriously, I have put in a lot of miles in the recent past, including another first...8 mile run.
The 8 miler was last Saturday and just in time, I was very anxious about my first race (12k or 7.46 miles), this coming Sunday. I cannot wait! I get to run the Emerald Nuts 12k Across the Bay (San Francisco Bay, over the Golden Gate Bridge). The weather is supposed to be beautiful and the scenery is sure to be spectacular.
My fund-raising is going well too. I have a little over $1000 in the account and another $500+ due in any day. I still have a way to, if you know anybody with a big heart or a fat wallet, send them my way. Thanks in advance!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Running has become a part of my life now, but I'm finally out of the beginning stages. You know, the part where you adore your new love. You make stupid faces at it, talk baby-talk to it, make kissy noises with it, and don't really care who knows about it. Well now I'm moving into the part where I'm a little perturbed when it farts, or forgets to shower, or eats with its mouth open. I'm into the part where's just a lot of work.
I took two days off last week after a five day string of significant mileage. My body was tired, my brain was exhausted, so I rested. On Friday, I got on the treadmill for a short run before a core workout, but after 10 minutes, I was in so much physical pain, that I had to stop. On Saturday, I was scheduled to go on an 8 mile run with my team, but after two miles (I had to walk one of them) it felt like my shins were going to explode. I walked for a minute more, had a drink and a little snack, and ran back to the start. I was in bed by 9:00 PM. I haven't been in bed that early since I was a kid.
I slept a very long time and woke up to a nice breakfast and a relaxing day with my wife (Grandma took the kids for the day). I feel better now and more ready to tackle another week of training.
Training is still so new to me. I am used to picking things up quick, but I have never been athletic before. It's difficult waiting for my body to catch up with my mind on this. I guess, I'm a little unnerved at just how difficult this journey is becoming.